Single Parcel


The single parcels (parcellaires) are our top fine wines coming from the very best plots. The Cerisiers wine comes from a 100% Malbec parcel facing Sud,Sud-Est with cherry trees at its border. The soil is made of clay with limestone from the du Jurassic (Kimméridgien).

This delicate wine with silky tannins has the generosity of a warm sunset and the freshness signature so typical to Chambert. 


Grape variety : 100% Malbec

Age of the vines: 37 years (as of 2020)

Density : 5000 vines/Ha

Yield /hectare: 28 hl/ha

Parcel altitude : 305 m 

Orientation : South / South-West

Parcel: 0.8Ha (CRU on the Cahors cru project map)

Soil : Chalky with clay from Jurassic (Kimméridgien). Terroir T5 on the Cahors terroir map, Slope: 12%

Viticulture: Biodynamic

Hand harvesting


Manual sorting, de-stemming, no added S02.

Alcoholic fermentation : In 50HL oak vessels (casks) , indigenous yeast, temperature controlled (25°C)

Light extraction : manual punch down 

Total maceration time : 25 days

Press : Press wines are kept separately.

Malolactic fermentation : Natural and in barrels during the wine ageing.

Ageing : 12 months in 225L barriques of 1year (malolactic not inoculated, happens on the following year in spring)

Estate bottled with little SO2 for ensuring wine stability.

Petite Maison

The single parcels (parcellaires) are our top fine wines coming from the very best plots. The Petite Maison wine comes from a 100% Malbec facing Sud with a red soil made of clay and iron (siderolithique).

This elegant wine has is very dense with small delicate tannins, typical signature of the siderolithique soil while having the freshness signature so typical to Chambert.


Grape variety : 100% Malbec

Age of the vines: 37 years (as of 2020)

Density : 5000 vines/Ha

Yield /hectare: 28 hl/ha

Parcel altitude : 305 m 

Orientation : South

Parcel: 2.3Ha (CRU on the Cahors cru project map)

Soil : Clay and iron (Sidérolithique). Terroir T7 on the Cahors terroir map, Slope: 6%

Viticulture: Biodynamic

Hand harvesting


Manual sorting, de-stemming, no added S02.

Alcoholic fermentation : In 50HL oak vessels (casks) , indigenous yeast, temperature controlled (25°C)

Light extraction : manual punch down 

Total maceration time : 25 days

Press : Press wines are kept separately.

Malolactic fermentation : Natural and in barrels during the wine ageing.

Ageing : 12 months in 225L barriques of 1year (malolactic not inoculated, happens on the following year in spring)

Estate bottled with little SO2 for ensuring wine stability.

Le Puits

The single parcels (parcellaires) are our top fine wines coming from the very best plots. The Le Puits wine comes from a 100% Malbec facing  Est,South-Est with a rocky soil made of clay and limstone (Kimmeridgien).

This elegant wine is of extreme purity with a density and profile more often seen with white wines than reds! The finish is typical of limestone soil offering a wine long and sharp while having the freshness signature so typical to Chambert.


Grape variety : 100% Malbec

Age of the vines: 37 years (as of 2020)

Density : 5000 vines/Ha

Yield /hectare: 28 hl/ha

Parcel altitude : 305 m 

Orientation : East / South-East

Parcel: 1.8Ha (CRU on the Cahors cru project map)

Soil : Chalky limestone from jurassic (Kimméridgien). Terroir T9 on the Cahors terroir map, Slope: 8%

Viticulture: Biodynamic

Hand harvesting


Manual sorting, de-stemming, no added S02.

Alcoholic fermentation : In 50HL oak vessels (casks) , indigenous yeast, temperature controlled (25°C)

Light extraction : manual punch down 

Total maceration time : 25 days

Press : Press wines are kept separately.

Malolactic fermentation : Natural and in barrels during the wine ageing.

Ageing : 12 months in 225L barriques of 1year (malolactic not inoculated, happens on the following year in spring)

Estate bottled with little SO2 for ensuring wine stability.

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